The Kitchn
July 10, 2024
by Sarah M. Vazquez
I don’t get out to Spain often, but when I do, I always make sure to come home with something special for my kitchen. One of my favorite instances of this happened back in 2019. Growing up in a Spanish family, many of my memories revolve around two things: the music of Julio Iglesias and delicious food. My family hails from the northern region of Galicia where the dishes range from hearty dishes like caldo Gallego and asado de ternera to seafood-laden tapa plates like pulpo a feira and chipirones a la plancha (my favorite), all featuring one major thing in common: garlic.
While each family varies, in my home, you’ll rarely find us cooking without garlic. While visiting friends and relatives in Galicia, I began to notice that this is not only a common theme among most Spaniards, but we even store garlic the same. How? In a specially decorated garlic jar, specifically an El Puente del Arzobispo Garlic Jar.